Digital Solutions

Digital Solutions

3D Printed Restorations

This is the fastest growing technology in dentistry and Bay View is out front with our application of 3D printed materials in many game-changing situations. From printed composite “toppers” to trail smiles, try-in dentures, onlays, and occlusal splints, we utilize several different materials and systems for the best possible results in each specific situation.

Milled Restorations

Our Ultra Hybrid, NT Dentures, and milled high strength PMMA restorations are some of the finest restorations in dentistry, combining state-of-the-art digital technology and cutting-edge materials. Our digital NT Denture is unmatched for strength and esthetics in dentistry. On immediate extraction cases, we can even capture and replicate the patient’s original teeth from a CT scan for the ultimate in “patient specific” dentistry.

Trial Smile

This can be a valuable extra step on cases involving significant changes to incisal length or occlusal vertical dimension. Examples would be microdontia imperfecta, impacted maxilla, or severely worn dentition. With accurate records, we can design the case with the proposed new tooth position and “test” it with a 3D printed overlay. It’s a relatively quick and easy application utilizing state-of-the-art materials and technology designed to save valuable doctor chair time by creating a mock-up of the proposed changes. The doctor, patient, and lab can view and agree on a shared vision of the treatment.

Design on Demand

This exciting new service is available to Bay View customers seeking to leverage current technology with their in-house 3D printing. Offices can schedule the time with one of our senior designers to be available as you complete tooth preparation, snapping the diagnostic wax-up (done in advance) to the scan of preps to be printed in-office while the patient waits. The design and print run can usually be completed in about 30 minutes. This service can also be utilized for diagnostic wax-ups, trial smiles, occlusal toppers, and occlusal splints. We are finding new possibilities every month.


Jaw Morphodynamics is an advanced dental technology that enhances diagnostic and treatment capabilities through 4D imaging. The system integrates static and dynamic data to create a comprehensive digital model of the patient’s jaw, allowing for real-time visualization and analysis of jaw movements. The doctor technician/team can utilize the data diagnostically or in direct fabrication of precise digital restorations. Our two senior designers are familiar with the design process utilizing Modjaw technology.

Digital Smile Imaging

Enhance treatment planning presentations with Smile Imaging by Bay View Dental Lab. Our graphic artist teams up with our certified technicians, whose experience and expertise are used in a collaborative effort to produce results that are esthetic and achievable. Send us your high-quality digital photos and we will send you two full-color glossy 8.5 x 11 inch sheets showing before and after images (full face and close-up) of your patient’s smile. Better yet, we can email results for you to insert into your digital presentations. Your files can be sent to us on a compact disc, flash drive, or emailed separately (please include your ideas and instructions on treatment). Our turnaround time is a week or less in most cases, although it is good to call and preschedule any case.


Smilecloud is an Artificial Intelligence driven smile design concept. It allows us to match the patient’s lips and face to thousands of possible smile designs, or when necessary, design patient-specific tooth position utilizing our extensive knowledge of functional esthetics. Our two senior designers are both experienced utilizing Smilecloud’s technology.

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